5+ Best 404 Error Page Templates

404 error page templates are an essential component of website design that plays a crucial role in enhancing user experience. When a user encounters a broken link or a page that doesn’t exist, they are redirected to the 404 error page. This page serves as a helpful tool to guide users back on track and prevent them from leaving the website altogether.

Custom 404 pages allow website owners to inject their brand personality and creativity into the error page, making it more engaging and visually appealing. By incorporating relevant design elements, such as branded imagery, navigation options, and clear error messages, custom 404 pages can turn what could be a frustrating experience into an opportunity to engage with users.

The primary goal of designing effective 404 error pages is to ensure that users can easily find their way back to the main content or navigate elsewhere on the website. Including search functionality or suggesting related content can help users quickly find what they were originally looking for.

Investing time and effort in creating well-designed 404 error page templates improves user experience and reflects positively on the overall brand image. By providing clear navigation options and relevant information, custom 404 pages can transform a potentially negative experience into an opportunity for engagement and retention.

Lost in the Clouds

Lost in the Clouds

This template is both simple and elegant, featuring an animated background. This is an HTML5 layout that is both responsive and valid, and was inspired by a plane ticket. It’s ready to display all the common HTTP errors, like 401, 403, 404, 500 and 503.

Lost in Space

Lost in Space is a simple and aesthetic template with animated background. Valid HTML and CSS. Ready for all common HTTP errors, like 401, 403, 404, 500 and 503 or for many other purposes.


Zombie Animated

Zombie is a Animated 404 Page template with creative, simple, animated, easy to use and more.

Lost Responsive

Lost is a Responsive 404 Error Template. This can be used for companies that are error page or page not found online with their business or any other site. Features are Responsive Design, Modern Layout, Valid HTML and CSS code, Documentation Included and more.


The main features of the template are creative ideas, great design, clean code, Fully Responsive, Simple gif & css animations, Google Font, Full Documentation, HTML5 & CSS3 Coding and more.

Custom 404

Missing Jigsaw Piece is a Custom 404 Error Page Template. Features are Responsive Design, Html5 Valid, CSS3 Animations, and more.

Travel Error Page

Travel Error Page Build on simple and easily to customize structure. Features are HTML 5 & CSS3, Unique CSS3 Animated Background, Google Web-Fonts, Optimized for all screen sizes, Easy to Customize and nicely commented code and Documentation Included.






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